Form API is for the submission of forms to the system.
API | Description |
POST api/forms/create?location={location}&formLayout={formLayout}&creator={creator}&isDraft={isDraft}&enforceMandatory={enforceMandatory} |
Submits a new form to the site. |
GET api/forms?f_node={f_node}&start={start}&count={count}&includeAccessLevel={includeAccessLevel}&orderBy={orderBy}&filterText={filterText}&filterBy={filterBy}&filterExact={filterExact}&filterStatus={filterStatus}&viewID={viewID}&customFields={customFields}&includeSubs={includeSubs}&metaFilters={metaFilters} |
Returns a list of Forms |
GET api/forms/formdetails/{formID} |
Returns form details including parent and workflow information |
View and update timesheeting information
API | Description |
GET api/timesheet/status/{id}?weekEnding={weekEnding} |
Gets the timesheet status for a specified user for a given time period. |
GET api/timesheet/status?from={from}&to={to}&status={status}&group={group}&profileFilter={profileFilter} |
Fetch a list of users who have/haven't submitted timesheets for a given date range. |
GET api/timesheet?week={week}&user={user}&project={project} |
Returns a full list of timesheet data |
GET api/timesheet/summary?week={week}&user={user}&project={project} |
Returns a timesheet summary, all users and the projects they are timesheeted against including the total hours for that project per week |
PUT api/timesheet |
Ingest timesheet information, each record is for a user per week. |
PUT api/timesheet/weekly |
Ingest timesheet information, each record is for a user per week and can have an entry for each day. |
PUT api/timesheet/actuals |
Ingest Actuals to be used for the budget calculations for projects. |
DELETE api/timesheet/actuals?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Delete Actuals from the Table (if no dates specified the table is cleared fully) |
GET api/timesheet/GeOverdueTsApprovers?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&taskTimesheeting={taskTimesheeting} |
List users with an outstanding Timesheet approval |
API | Description |
GET api/scim/v2/groups |
Returns a list of Groups |
GET api/scim/v2/groups/{scimId} |
Returns the specified Group if found |
POST api/scim/v2/groups |
Creates a new Group |
PUT api/scim/v2/groups/{scimId} |
Modifies the specified Group. |
DELETE api/scim/v2/groups/{scimId} |
Deletes the specified Group |
Data API allows interaction with the meta associated with assets or forms and also to edit values in attribute matrices
API | Description |
PUT api/bulkingest{reportid}?dataFile={dataFile} |
Process Bulk Ingest report |
GET api/roles?includeDisabled={includeDisabled}&includeVariants={includeVariants} |
Get a list of Roles in the system |
GET api/meta/{id}/tree?mode={mode} |
Return item meta data tree structure |
GET api/meta/{id}?mode={mode} |
View the Meta Fields and values saved for this item |
PUT api/meta/{id}?mode={mode}&clearGroup[0]={clearGroup[0]}&clearGroup[1]={clearGroup[1]}&addBodyToAudit={addBodyToAudit}&updateWFActivity={updateWFActivity}&clearPartialRows={clearPartialRows}&enforceMandatory={enforceMandatory} |
Update meta values, note that updating fields that drive dependencies, calculations or linked items are not fully supported. |
GET api/matrix?filter={filter} |
Returns a List of all Data Matrices |
GET api/matrix/data/{id}?sheet={sheet}&version={version} |
Returns the data of a matrix |
GET api/matrix/simple/{id}?sheet={sheet}&version={version} |
Returns the data of a matrix |
GET api/matrix/{id} |
Returns the details and structure of a matrix |
DELETE api/matrix/{id} |
Disables a Matrix |
POST api/matrix/{id}/version?name={name}&parentVersion={parentVersion}&isDefault={isDefault} |
Adds a new version to a matrix. |
PUT api/attribute/bulk/{type} |
Performs a bulk insert of attribute values into one or more attribute lists, based on tagging info. |
PUT api/attribute/row?type={type} |
Adds one or more attribute values to an Attribute List, specified by type (name or ID). If the value already exists, it'll be updated if needed and enabled. If the value doesn't exist it'll be inserted. |
PUT api/attribute/row |
Adds one or more attribute values to an Attribute List. If the value already exists, it'll be updated if needed and enabled. If the value doesn't exist it'll be inserted. |
PUT api/matrix/{id}/row?sheet={sheet}&version={version}&enableRow={enableRow}&sortByColumnType={sortByColumnType} |
Adds a row of data to a matrix sheet, when a matrix has a unique identifier set on a column the row will be updated if it already exists. |
PUT api/matrix/row/{type}?sheet={sheet}&version={version} |
Adds a row of data to a matrix sheet, when a matrix has a unique identifier set on a column the row will be updated if it already exists. The matrix is specified by type, and optionally tags (with the tags in key=value pairs in the query string) |
DELETE api/matrix/{id}/row?sheet={sheet}&version={version}&useIdentifier={useIdentifier} |
Deletes\Disables a row of data from a matrix sheet |
POST api/matrix/clone/{source}?matrixTitle={matrixTitle}&cloneMatrixData={cloneMatrixData} |
Clones an existing matrix / ratecard, optionally updating the tagging, and optionally retaining the existing data. |
PUT api/matrix/{id}?sheet={sheet}&version={version} |
Overwrite a Matrix version with a full data set, this should not be used to update existing rates or add items to existing rate card. It should primarily be used to load the initial values after creating a new version |
GET api/layout/{id} |
View the layout (Meta Field labels, GUIDS and types) for this item |
DELETE api/attributetable/{id}?keyVal={keyVal} |
Delete attribute table row |
POST api/attributetable/{id} |
Creates a new attribute table row |
PUT api/attributetable/{id}?keyVal={keyVal} |
Update an existing attribute table row |
GET api/attributetable |
Returns List of current attribute tables |
Works with the users within the system
SCIM provisioning support.
API | Description |
GET api/scim/v2/users |
Returns a list of Users |
GET api/scim/v2/users/{scimId} |
Returns the specified User if found |
POST api/scim/v2/users |
Creates a new user |
PUT api/scim/v2/users/{scimId} |
Modifies the specified user. |
DELETE api/scim/v2/users/{scimId} |
Deletes the specified User |
API | Description |
GET api/scim/v2/ResourceTypes |
Get all available Resource Types |
GET api/scim/v2/ResourceTypes/{resourceType} |
Get the specified Resource Type |
Workflow API is for the sending items on workflows
API | Description |
PUT api/workflows/{id}?action={action}&comment={comment}&editor={editor}&queued={queued} |
Update a workflow (run an action, and/or edit the workflow item) |
POST api/workflows?id={id}&location={location}&workflow={workflow}&comment={comment}&creator={creator}&clone={clone} |
Sends a form on a workflow. |
SCIM provisioning support.
API | Description |
GET api/scim/ServiceProviderConfig |
Return serive provider config |
GET api/scim/Schemas |
Return all schemes |
GET api/scim/Schemas/{resourceType} |
Return resource type |
GET api/scim/ResourceTypes |
Return all resource types |
GET api/scim/ResourceTypes/{resourceType} |
Return all resource type |
POST api/scim/users |
Create a new User (Available to Admin Accounts Only) |
GET api/scim/users?startIndex={startIndex}&count={count} |
Returns a list of Users |
GET api/scim/users/{id} |
Returns User Details |
PATCH api/scim/users/{id} |
Update the User Details |
DELETE api/scim/users/{id} |
De-Activate a User(Available to Admin Accounts Only) |
Works with the groups within the system
API | Description |
GET api/groups?nameFilter={nameFilter}&tag={tag}&active={active} |
Returns a list of Groups |
POST api/groups |
Create a new Group (Available to Admin Accounts Only) |
PUT api/groups/{id} |
Update a group name or description (Available to Admin Accounts Only) |
PUT api/groups/{id}/members?field={field}&clearGroup={clearGroup} |
Add a list of Users to a group (Available to Admin Accounts Only) |
DELETE api/groups/{id}/members?field={field} |
Remove a list of Users from a group (Available to Admin Accounts Only) |
API | Description |
GET api/scim/v2/schemas |
Get a list of available Schemas |
GET api/scim/v2/schemas/{schema} |
Get the specified Schema |
View and update timesheeting information
API | Description |
GET api/resource?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&project={project}&user={user} |
Returns a full list of resource information that have been assigned to a user |
DELETE api/resource/booking?id={id}&identifierType={identifierType} |
Delete a resource booking, by task or booking ID |
POST api/resource/booking?retrospectiveBooking={retrospectiveBooking} |
Adds/Edits a resource booking in the Resource Manager |
DELETE api/ResourceAPI?GUID={GUID}&rmID={rmID} |
No documentation available. |
Works with the tasks within the system
API | Description |
GET api/tasks?id={id}&showAssignedDetails={showAssignedDetails}&filterMyTask={filterMyTask}&age={age} |
Returns a list of Tasks |
GET api/tasks/{id} |
Returns Task Details |
POST api/tasks/{projectid}?phase={phase} |
Add a New Task |
PUT api/tasks/{id} |
Update a Task |
DELETE api/tasks/{id} |
Delete a Task |
PUT api/tasks/status/{id}?status={status} |
Update a Task Status only |
PUT api/tasks/runqueue/{id}?timesheet={timesheet}&template={template} |
Update queued tasks rm data to sync with task data |
Allows interaction with a file, upload, download and viewing file details
API | Description |
GET api/file/{id} |
Gets the file information for this file id |
GET api/file/download/{id} |
Downloads a file from the site vault. |
POST api/file/upload/{id}?creator={creator}&description={description} |
Uploads a new file to a specific destination or if the id is an existing file it uploads as a new version |
POST api/file/uploadsftp/{id}?connectionID={connectionID}&filename={filename}&creator={creator}&description={description} |
Uploads a new file to a specific destination or if the id is an existing file it uploads as a new version |
Works with the projects within the system
API | Description |
GET api/projects?f_node={f_node}&start={start}&count={count}&includeSubs={includeSubs}&includeSubProjects={includeSubProjects}&includeLayout={includeLayout}&includeAccessLevel={includeAccessLevel}&orderBy={orderBy}&filterText={filterText}&filterBy={filterBy}&filterExact={filterExact}&projectName={projectName}&filterStatus={filterStatus}&viewID={viewID}&customFields={customFields} |
Returns a list of Projects |
GET api/projects/{id} |
Returns Project Details for a particular project |
GET api/projects/{id}/resources |
Returns all users that are resourced on a project |
PUT api/projects/budget?filterBy={filterBy} |
Bulk-updates the financial/budgetary info for several projects. |
PUT api/projects/status?id={id}&projectStatus={projectStatus} |
updates a projects status to an allowed status |
POST api/ProjectAPI?projectID={projectID} |
No documentation available. |
Folder API allows interaction with the folder structure, it is accessed with the api prefix api/folders
API | Description |
GET api/folders?name={name} |
Returns top level Folders (Work Boxes) |
GET api/folders/{id} |
Returns information on the folder |
GET api/folders/{id}/contents |
Returns a list of all content in this folder (i.e. Folders, Files and Links) |
PUT api/folders/{id}?name={name}&description={description} |
Update a folders details |
POST api/folders/{id}?name={name}&description={description} |
Creates a New folder |
DELETE api/folders/{id} |
Deletes the folder and its contents from the system |
Search API allows User to search the entire system
API | Description |
GET api/search?phrase={phrase}&limit={limit} |
Runs a basic search on the entire system, only searches the items name |
API | Description |
GET api/scim/v2/serviceproviderconfig |
Get the Service Provider Configuration |